Anna’s Expertise

 The question I have pursued through out my career is, “What exactly is it that happens when we experience healing?” I have discovered that when a moment of healing is occurring, we experience it with our whole being. Our beliefs, body, emotions, and spirit are all engaged when we experience healing that truly changes us. I have also found that frequently the part that gets left out is emotions. Many people and even therapists attempt to heal while keeping emotions at a distance. When I realized that emotions are an essential part of healing I dug in and pursued understanding them inside and out. I have combined what I have been able to learn from others with my own experience. I have become an expert in knowing and understanding emotions even as I continue to learn and grow.

            I have come to understand that much of our suffering is due to fearing our emotions and keeping them at a distance. This disrupts our own inner peace and strains our relationships. I have worked with people from various backgrounds who have experienced a wide range of distresses. I have had the opportunity to work with this range due to working in different settings in public mental health and then having a private practice in an area where there were no other therapists for a number of years. In this wide range of experiences I have found that a fear and avoidance of emotions is at the core of most people’s suffering. When people begin to understand and then embrace their emotions I have seen their anxiety lessen, depression improve, obsessions decrease, healthy habits increase, relationships improve, work situations improve, even delusions lessen, and much more. When I am asked if I have experience working with people with various backgrounds or if I have experience treating people with specific struggles such as OCD, PTSD, Bipolar, Grief, ADHD, couples, addiction, suicidal ideations, eating disorders, personality disorders, psychosis, and much more my answer is yes. I have worked with people who have suffered from all of these things, and I have worked with people from many different backgrounds. I have seen how understanding and embracing emotion brings a lasting healing change to all humans.

            My expertise is emotions. This allows me to be able to work with any human and be an expert in anything that has to do with emotions, which is all mental health and relationship struggles I have ever encountered.


Top Specialties

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Mood Disorders

  • Relationship Issues