Richard Schwartz’s latest book is titled No Bad Parts. Schwartz is the person who discovered the therapy called Internal Family Systems (IFS). I find IFS valuable and credible for the very simple reason that it frequently works.

            While I have the experience that IFS works this does not help me make sense of my experience that evil does exist. I have my own experience of witnessing and being touched by evil, I have heard stories from my clients that can only be described as evil, and I have read news stories that I can only describe as evil. The most recent and memorable new story I read was about a Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurse in Britain who was found guilty of killing and injuring numerous premature babies. Evil is the only word that I can find that can describe this atrocity. In over four decades of life I have found that true evil is real, but it is also rare.

            For those of us who have been touched by evil, how do we make sense of it and move forward?  First, I have struggled to come up with an accurate and clear description of what evil is. I know it when I see it or hear about it, but it is not easily described. The closest description I can find that I like is evil is the complete disconnection from love and care. However, if someone is capable of acting evil does that mean at their heart they are always truly evil? Can someone have an evil moment, but not be evil all the time? I do not have the answers to these questions.

            So, what do I do with the part of me that was touched by evil? This is where I have found Richard Schwartz’s approach helpful. I find it helpful to understand that this part of me has been touched by evil, but this part and I still have a choice. I can approach this part of me with understanding and boundaries.

            It’s helpful to know that all parts are young. My part that was touched by evil is a six year old part. Like all six year olds this part needs boundaries and guidance along with understanding. With this approach I am learning to embrace and care for this part, which helps it to heal.

            I have wondered if this part of me that has experienced evil is capable of healing and finding goodness again, or is it damaged and just needs banished. IFS has helped me see and experience that this part can heal, it is not bad, and it is capable of embracing good again. I went many years alternating between trying to ignore and banish this part. As I have searched and worked for a life that feels worth living I have realized it is essential to embrace this part and help it heal. Evil is real, I have been touched by it, and I have found that all my parts and I are capable of healing and choosing good. Through this truth and approach I am finding a life that feels worth living.


The Building Blocks of Self
